Sam LiuWriters:
Bob Kane (character created by: Batman), Bill Finger (character created by: Batman) | 3 more credits »Stars:
Mark Hamill, Kari Wahlgren, Tara Strong |
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As Batman hunts for the escaped Joker, the Clown Prince of Crime attacks the Gordon family to prove a diabolical point mirroring his own fall into madness.
First I will talk about the animated style since some people complained about it:it is modern,amazing and some scenes were literally taken out of the comic book and animated but without taking that effect away such as:The Joker going to the Gordon's apartment or him coming out of the factory and realising what he became and starting to laugh maniacally.
The characters were represented great and it still gave The Joker the chance to say he prefers multiple origins for he is a man of mystery so all we saw was just a version of how it was,because no one can know the truth,not even The Joker himself because he denies reality and all logic for the sake of fun.This was his greatest scheme ever so far and he wanted to make Batman cross the line but did he fail?Did he succeed?It is open for interpretation.I felt for him,for the first time in my life when he proved some sanity saying it was too late for him to be friends with Batman.Batman had a darker tone,more serious and determined than ever and it was really terrifying seeing him laughing at the end.Barbara, as Bruce said, was just a child and until their sex scene she felt it all as a game and a chance to be with her lover,her idol,her teacher.The commissioner proved himself to be a strong man who kept his sanity in all of that carnival of madness.
I feel the Batgirl backstory of almost 25 minutes was necessary and it was well chosen to portray her relationship with Batman and show that even if she was out there for three years she was not as ready as she initially thought.
Overall it was a masterpiece to witness and I hope this movie will open a new Animated Movie Universe fo Dc for more quality stuff,lead by Bruce Timm,of course.